MS. Dero Daniels

LLB (Hons.), B.L., LLM (Comparative Commercial Law)
Member and Head: Dispute Resolution
Ms. Daniels is an outstanding legal practitioner with over Seventeen (17) years diversified experience in Dispute Resolution and Corporate Law. A qualified Mediator with a passion for excellence.
Over 7 Trillion Naira in damages saved by excellent representation
Facilitated Mergers and Acquisitions of several Companies including Banks during the Banking Consolidation in Nigeria
Successfully defended a multinational oil company in a gas flaring claim by the Niger-Delta Youth Movement in Nigeria, for damages in the sum of 5 Trillion Naira.
Successfully conducted due diligence on the 1st bank merger after the 2004 consolidation in Nigeria, and saved the merging entities 4 billion Naira.
Successfully acted for a Financial Institution in an action and recovered monies owed from an investment margin facility of a sum in excess of 280 Million Naira.
Successfully represented the subsidiary of a top Nigerian Bank at the Administrative Proceedings (APC) of the Securities and Exchange Commission thereby preventing the said subsidiary from losing its license.
Successfully reached a mediated settlement for a Multinational Company based in Denmark in a suit against a French company, which infringed on its patent in Nigeria.
Successfully acted for a notable organization, which contested tax charges made by a State’s Board of Inland Revenue.
Professional Qualifications/Memberships
Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)
International Bar Association (IBA)
FemWise Africa (The Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation)
Attorney-Mediators Association
Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria (BRIPAN)
INSOL International
International Cities of Peace (ICP) (NFP)